In yesterday’s episode of Kumkum Bhagya, we saw the CM’s brother force Pragya to shoot the CM or else they will kill Prachi and Abhi. Tonight’s episode starts with Rohit, the CM’s brother stopping Pragya (Sriti Jha) from shooting the CM. He feels upset that the CM thought so highly of him even deciding to pass on the power to him. He tells Pragya that he doesn’t want to kill her. Pragya is relieved and tries to tells the brother he is doing the right thing by saving the CM’s life. Kumkum Bhagya June 17, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Pragya Agrees to Turn Assassin and Shoot the Chief Minister at Abhi's 5 Year Celebration Event
However, the other people behind the plot come forward and ask CM’s brother to go ahead with the plan. They say that the CM is just lying to him and using him. Pragya tries to convince Rohit but he changes his mind again and goes ahead with his plan to shoot the CM.
Meanwhile, Pragya is walking towards the CM surrounded by commandos and their ringleader, a woman. The ringleader tells Pragya to shoot or else her men will kill Prachi. When Pragya lifts her gun to take aim at the CM, Abhi (Shabir Ahluwalia) steps in the middle by mistake. Kumkum Bhagya June 14, 2019 Written Update Full Episode: Abhi And Pragya Miss Meeting Each Other Again, But Feel Their Love’s Presence
On the other hand, Ranbir tries to fix a lighting problem but gets into a fight with Prachi. Rhea enters the room after Ranbir and Prachi are done with the fighting. Pragya gets orders to shoot Abhi first and then shoot the CM too. Rhea enters the power room to shut off all the lights and puts the blame on Prachi. While Pragya is still aiming at Abhi, Rhea shuts off the lights.
Pragya escapes and warns everyone that someone is trying to kill the CM. Abhi is looking around in the dark. When Rhea switches the lights back on, Abhi sees one of the security men taking aim at the CM.
In the precap, Abhi tells CM that someone attempted to kill her. She says it was a fake rumor spread by someone. Rohit asks Pragya to kill the CM, else he will kill her daughter.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 18, 2019 11:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website