Fans have been waiting desperately for their favourite comedy icon Kapil Sharma. The actor hit a low phase in his career and personal life a year ago which forced him to stay away from the limelight. However, after taking a long gap to heal, he is slowly getting back on track and will be soon seen in his comedy show. But you will be surprised to know that it is Bollywood actress Twinkle Khanna who inspired him to do so! Well, sort of!
The host is taking healing treatment Bengaluru's Ayurvedic Ashram and this idea was taken by a book written by Twinkle, titled,'Pyjamas Are Forgiving' ! A source told, "Kapil is off drinks and he needs to lose at least 15 kgs. He is at an ayurvedic ashram in Bengaluru for two weeks. He returns to Mumbai on October 28 to start preparing for his show. He went to the same ashram a year ago, left the course incomplete and began drinking again. This time he is determined to sweat it out at the ashram because, as Kapil says, Akshay Paaji’s wife has recommended the treatment." Kapil Sharma Is Gearing Up for His Return on TV and This Early Morning Post Is the Proof (View Pic Inside)
Thank you @juggernautbooks for this fancy cake and all the love @Chikisarkar all the fights we had over this one were worth it !
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) September 23, 2018
Meanwhile, he is all set to get back on television with his evergreen show 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. Even though he tried hands on a couple of things like films and other comic drama, this one remains people's favourite. If reports are to be believed, the show will go on the floors in October 2018 and there is a lot of excitement around who will be the first guest on the platform. Well, coming back to the book, have you read it? If yes, let us know your feedback in the comments section below.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 24, 2018 11:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website