After two months of coronavirus lockdown, it looks like India is now stepping into the unlock phase. With inter-state travel being granted allowance several celebs who were quarantined at their homes outside Mumbai are now returning. Recently, Sonam Kapoor also flew to Mumbai from Delhi where she was quarantined along with husband Anand Ahuja. Among TV celebs, actress Kamya Punjabi also shared a picture on Instagram with her daughter where the duo are seen dressed in protective gear. The former Bigg Boss contestant spent the lockdown months in Gurugram with her family. Boycott Chinese Products: Arshad Warsi, Milind Soman and Kamya Punjabi Join the Movement (Read Tweets).
Kamya took to Instagram to share a picture with her daughter where they are seen sporting masks and protective gear. Along with the picture, she wrote, "Work calling" along with an aeroplane emoji, suggesting that she had travelled to Mumbai and is all set to get back to work now. Sonam Kapoor Returns to Her Family In Mumbai After Spending Two Months Of Lockdown with In-Laws in Delhi, Shares Selfie with Sis Rhea (See Pic).
Check Out Kamya Punjabi's Post Here:
Kamya Punjabi tied the knot with boyfriend Shalabh Dang on February 10, 2020 in Mumbai and was quarantined with him and their kids in Delhi. On the work front, Kamya is seen essaying the role of Preeto in Colors TV's drama Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaaas Ki. Shootings will now be resuming under strict guidelines from the makers and hence actors who were stranded in different locations during lockdown are now returning to the city.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 09, 2020 05:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website