Actors Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij welcomed their first child, a baby girl after 9 years of marriage. In fact, Mahhi’s pregnancy was completely low key and fans only found out about the same, after the pair posted pictures from Mahhi’s baby shower. And now, the couple, who has yet to figure out a name for their baby, has decided to involve their fans and swell wishers, who have showered the pair with so much love and adoration. Urvashi Dholakia, Jay Bhanushali, Niti Taylor – Take a Look at the TV Newsmakers of the Week

Firstly, the pair shared the first glimpses of their baby girl on their respective social media accounts:



Going the Saumya Tandon way, Mahhi, on her Instagram post, requested her fans and followers to suggest names with the initials ‘T’ and ‘M’. Parenthood is not new for Jay and Mahhi, who have adopted and raise two of their house helps' kids Rajveer and Khushi. And now, with their baby girl's arrival, their family only grows and gets happy. We once again congratulate Jay and Mahhi.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 28, 2019 08:46 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website