Actor Jay Bhanushali, who is currently hosting singing reality show Indian Idol 12, interacted with veteran actress Jaya Prada during the shoot of a recent episode. The actress interacted with various contestants and also spoke of her journey in showbiz. She mentioned her rivalries in the industry and was candid about the equation she shares with members of the industry. Indian Idol 12: Neha Kakkar Is Excited About the Upcoming Ramnavmi Special Episode of the Show.
On the show, Jaya Prada sure left Jay impressed with how she conducted herself. "Jaya ji is a fabulous human being. She spoke about her equation with other actors and was open about every kind of rivalry. I feel she is one actress who is crystal clear by heart. It was an interesting episode with her and we had great fun on the set," said Jay. Indian Idol 12 Auditions Go Virtual, Here's How Aspirants Can Participate In Online Auditions (Deets Inside).
He also danced when contestant Danish Mohd performed the song Dafliwale from her 1979 superhit Sargam. "When Danish was performing the song Dafliwale, I couldn't stop myself and began dancing with Jaya Ji," he says. Indian Idol season 12 airs on Sony Entertainment Television.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 23, 2021 01:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website