Television-turned-Bollywood actress Hina Khan, who is currently busy shooting for her film projects, is one of the most popular actresses on Indian television. The diva, who has a humongous fanbase on social media, never misses a chance to treat her fans to her hot updates. Hina, on Tuesday evening, took to the photo-sharing app to post a couple of pictures as her Instagram stories, where she can be seen taking selfies with her beau Rocky Jaiswal. Hina Khan In A Lovely Orange Pleated Lehenga Is Lit Like Diwali! Here’s Why You Should Try This Look For the Festive Season

Hina Khan and Rocky Jaiswal, who never shy away from displaying their romance in the most beautiful way on social media, are surely giving us major couple goals and we just can't stop gushing over their romantic pictures. Hina Khan and Rocky Jaiswal Set Couple Goals in These Loved Up Pictures

Check Out Hina Khan's Instagram Post Here:

Hina Khan, on the professional front, will soon make her debut with Lines, helmed by Hussein Khan. The actress, who has quite a few films on the platter, has also bagged Wishlist, Indo-Hollywood' project The Country of the Blind and Vikram Bhatt web series titled Hacked. The actress, ever since her Cannes appearance, is being offered a lot of films and we can't wait for them to release sooner. Stay tuned to this space for more updates.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 06, 2019 01:13 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website