Korean romantic drama series Hierarchy was created by Chu Hye-Mi and directed by Bae Hyeon-Jin. On June 7, 2024, the television series was released on Netflix. Major roles include Roh Jeong-eui, Lee Chae-min, Ji Hye-won, Kim Jae-won, and Lee Won-Jung in the series cast. The plot of Hierarchy describes that at Jusin High School, about 0.01% of students are in charge of maintaining order, but a reclusive transfer student starts to cause problems in their impenetrable environment. Hierarchy: Lee Chae Min and Roh Jeong Eui’s K-Drama To Release on Netflix on June 7.
Unfortunately, the sources indicate that the Korean series was leaked in high quality on torrent sites, including MovieRulz, Tamilrockers, 1337x, and Telegram channels, on the day of its release. This incident is part of a growing trend of movies and shows being quickly pirated upon release despite efforts to combat these illegal activities. Even with previous attempts to block these sites and enforce restrictions, they persist, enabling the spread of piracy. Cybercrime authorities must take stronger actions against these platforms. I Purple You: How To Make BTS Purple Heart, Korean Finger Heart and More? Learn the Global Love Language for Your Favourite K-Pop Idol.
Watch the Trailer of Hierarchy:
Coming back to the series, Hierarchy is all about the story of love, friendship, revenge, and compassion unfolding among eighteen young people. The series is produced by Studio Dragon, the series was helmed by Bae Hyun-Jin.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 08, 2024 01:44 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).