Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar are all set to mark the beginning of their new journey. The internet is flooding with pictures and videos of their pre-wedding celebrations. The Khans and the Darbas have gathered together to celebrate their love and have been indulging themselves in various wedding rituals. After a glamorous Chiska ceremony, Gauahar's Mehendi took place yesterday which was followed by a Sangeet night. Ismail Darbar, Gauahar's father-in-law engaged himself in some melodious singing session during the celebration as well. Gauahar Khan Engaged to Zaid Darbar! 7 Mushy Pictures of the Lovebirds That Prove They’re a Match Made in Heaven.
While it was a fun time for the family, netizens are quite upset with the composer's choice of song. Ismail is seen crooning "Lutt Gaye" from Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam on the stage while Zaid and Gauhar are enjoying the musical session at the back and singing along with Ismail. Zaid's younger brother also joins them on the stage. Many people on social media felt unsettling that Darbar chose a tragic song like this for his son's sangeet ceremony.
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A user wrote, “Who sings this song on a shaadi? Lol." Another user wrote, “Shaadi kar rahe ho. Phir kiski mohabbat mei lut Gaye? Kuch bhi (Why are they mourning a doomed romance at a wedding function?).” One user even went on to say, “Shadi mai aisa gana pagal khain k (Such a song at a wedding? They are mad)." Gauahar Khan To Marry Zaid Darbar On December 25, The Bigg Boss 7 Winner Confirms.
Gauahar and Zaid made their relationship Instagram official on November 5. The two got engaged in November and chose December 25 as their wedding day. The two shared a digital invite which showed how the two lovebirds met. The two started talking over Instagram and soon the DMs turned into lockdown dates and eventually love.
Gauahar recently revealed that she was not looking for anything serious when she met Zaid but then she felt closer to him that she planned to. She told HT that Zaid proposed after a month of meeting her even when marriage was not on his mind as well. "It was in a flow and after meeting me, in literally over a month, he proposed to me. There were no second thoughts,” she said. The two will be getting hitched at ITC Maratha, Mumbai today.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 25, 2020 12:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website