Very recently a promo for Indian Idol was released which garnered headlines for all the wrong reasons. For the most part, the promo is what we associate the singing-reality show with. But the final few seconds of the promo will leave the viewers shocked. One contestant planted a kiss on show's judge Neha Kakkar's cheek, after asking for a hug. Neha and colleagues Anu Malik, Aditya Narayan were left stunned. More details on the incident are yet to surface. But this is not the first time harassment has been the reason why controversy erupted on a reality show.
On this list, we are not just going to tell you about the times when celebs were the victims of the harassment. We will also be adding the incidents when the celebs, the influencers were the perpetrators of violating someone's space.
Katy Perry Kissed a Contestant
Benjamin Glaze, at the time a 19-year-old aspiring singer, auditioned on American Idol in 2018. The conversation before the audition was about Benjamin has never been kissed. Katy called him close for a kiss and leaned in for a peck on his cheek. But taking him by surprise, Katy changed direction to place a kiss on his lips. Later, in an interview Benjamin clarified that he did not feel sexually harassed. But he added, "I was raised in a conservative family and I was uncomfortable immediately. I wanted my first kiss to be special.”
Emraan Hashmi Got Kissed by an Audience Member
In 2008, Emraan Hashmi was promoting his film on a reality show, India. When he was on stage a female audience member made her way to him and kissed him. Emraan was left red-faced. Pritam, who was judging the show, screamed at the woman and the security of the show for being so lax.
Gauahar Khan Got Hit by an Audience Member
In November 2014, Gauahar was shooting for India's Raw Star as a host. While she was on stage a man got up from the audience and tried to touch the actress. After that, he slapped her. A police official said that the man named Mohammad Akil Malik assaulted Gauahar for wearing short clothes despite being a Muslim.
Papon Kissed a Contestant
Papon was celebrating Holi with the minor contestants from the reality show The Voice India Kids in 2018. In a video, recorded off stage, posted by Papon, he can be seen placing a peck on a contestant's cheeks. The moment became a huge controversy. So much that Supreme Court lawyer Runa Bhuyan filed a complaint against the singer. But later, the minor and her parents came out in Papon's support. The father of the minor said, "Papon sir is a mentor and a father figure to my daughter and has always encouraged her to pursue her dreams," adding, "hat you saw in the video is not intentional. It was just a moment of affection that is being portrayed otherwise."
Papon wrote in a Facebook post, "This is not to say that I haven’t made a mistake. I might have done it spontaneously but in today’s environment, to touch a girl child, however innocent your thoughts are, is not advisable. I am sorry for that. Please do accuse me of being naïve and stupid even, but please do not call me all those disgusting names.”
Neha Kakkar Got Kissed By a Contestant
Neha Kakkar is visibly left shocked after the man dressed in ethnic costumes kisses her. She steps aside holding her cheek. Aditya Narayn intervenes the situation. Anu Malik can be seen gasping in horror. We hope this was not some silly prank by the makers. The link has been removed.
Aditya Narayan Got Kissed by a Fan
In 2007, Aditya Narayan was hosting a season of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. He was the newest boy the nation was crushing on. While he was hosting, standing amidst the audience, a girl got up and placed a kiss on his cheek. Aditya just thanked the woman and removed himself from that area. The audience did not look as shocked as they should have been. But, again, this was 2007.
These incidents are a lesson for all of us to remember to respect each other. No matter how big of a fan you are of someone, you have no right to violate the personal space of that celeb. And even if you are a celeb, you will have to abide by the same rules. You won't be absolved of the act just because you happen to be famous. Hoping, no such incident ever occurs on any reality show ever.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 20, 2019 06:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website