Comedian Kapil Sharma had made a place for himself on television. Soon after 'The Kapil Sharma Show' his die-hard fans missed him but now Kapil is back. Starting today, he will be back on television with his new show 'Family Time With Kapil Sharma,' a comedy cum game show which will also see celebrities in his casual chatty show format. Along with Kapil, there will be his former co-stars Kiku Sharda, Chandan Prabhakar along with laugh-guru Navjyot Singh Sidhu. The first episode of the show will see actor Ajay Devgn, coming to promote his latest film 'Raid.' This time it will not be just Kapil but Neha Pendse will be his co-host.

The promo of the first episode was quiet funny, since it mocked Kapil himself and his habits that were making news back then. In the promo, we saw Kapil requesting Ajay to come on the show, who in turn said Kapil is the one who keeps people waiting. The promo also showed Ajay Devgn mocking Kapil as only those who have money are raided by income-tax officers, a character Ajay plays in his film Raid. So the promo was funny and looked interesting too.

From the very first episode, Kapil maintains his rapport with the audiences. He keeps interacting and cracking jokes on them. It is like a reminder that nothing much has changed with him. He even gave some goodie bags to the members of the audience. Kapil's flirty nature is intact we seeing him flirting with his co-host Neha.

Two families compete in simple games against each other and the winner get loads of prizes. The game show has a car as the bumper prize. Even losing is not a concern here because one will get gifts then too. The show is a mixture of a variety of things- there is glamour, there is a game show, there is the comedy and of course the celebrity interaction. With so many things got together on the small screen by the people's favourite, we hope Kapil Sharma retains the same magic. Are you watching Family Time With Kapil Sharma?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 25, 2018 08:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website