The cast and crew of ALTBalaji's under-production show "Fixer" were allegedly attacked on Tuesday. The team members claimed they were shooting near Ghodbunder Road here. In a video shared by filmmaker-actor Tigmanshu Dhulia, who features in the series, the show's producer Sakett Saawhney and actor Mahie Gill alleged they were beaten up by drunk goons. "We were shooting in a factory today with valid permission and due money paid to the location manager. We were shooting since 7 am and around 4.30 pm, some four people barged in, drunk, with sticks and rods in their hands." Alt Balaji Launches The Third Poster of Their Next Horror Comedy Boo… Sabki Fategi!

"They attacked our artistes, technicians and crew. They said we cannot shoot there without their permission. There was no scope for dialogue, discussion. They manhandled women, attacked our director of photography, our director has dislocated his shoulder," Sakett said in the video. Mahie said when the men came to attack her, she ran towards her car and saw that the goons were "hitting people like animals."

Check Out the Video Here:

"We are not going to the police as they themselves were telling the goons to hit us," the actor said. Sakett claimed when the police patrol vehicle arrived, they narrated the incident to them but the police shut the compound door, didn't let the crew collect their belongings and demanded money."

"They said come to court and then take your stuff. This is total harassment. We have consciously taken a call to not file a police complaint as you will call the other party, give them an NC (non-cognisable offence) and they will be out on bail." Alt Balaji Code M’s Plot Details Out Now: Jennifer Winget Plays Powerhouse Lawyer- Read On For More Details Out

"We, on the other hand, will forever be running to the court and be branded as 'criminals'. It is harassment for the industry," he added. Tigmanshu said he was present when the attack happened and called the incident "pathetic."