After Shrenu Parikh’s exit from Star Plus’ Ishqbaaz, there has been news that Shrenu Parikh was all set to turn negative for Star Bharat’s show Meri Biwi Ka Sasural, for which the makers had roped in Zain Imam and Tanvi Dogra. However, the show, not only shifted channels and moved to Star Plus, but also underwent a title change and has now been named Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna. Shrenu had told IANS, “I'm looking forward to this association with Dipti Kalwani, the maker of Badho Bahu. Just like her previous progressive show, this one is an unusual and an unconventional family drama. I am playing a quintessential 'bahu' (daughter-in-law)." Ishqbaaz Actress Shrenu Parikh to Play a Quintessential Bahu in Her Upcoming Daily Soap.
"We've just started shooting and it's an extremely interesting story based on a Marwari family and their journey along with their ups and downs. Jhanvi, my character, is that binding thread, the one that holds her family together and someone who can do anything for her loved ones," she added.
And now, the makers released the first promo of the show and it will legit give you the chills. And just like the show, the promo also starts very unconventionally. FIRST PICS From Khatron Ke Khiladi 9’s Shoot: Vikas Gupta, Aly Goni, Zain Imam Are All Set to Take Over Argentina!
The makers have compared Shrenu’s character Jhanvi to a praying mantis, which cannibalises its mate. During mating, the female bites off the male’s dead and devours his corpse for nourishment.
Jaanvi is seen performing the dutiful bahu duties and praying to God. However, the voiceover background suggests that Jaanvi, who is the ideal bahu of a very big and reputed family, is planning the destruction of her own family.
Watch the promo of the show below:
The promo looks amazing and perfect, except for the stills of the preying mantis in the beginning (those visuals were very creepy). Shrenu as the two-faced bahu of the family looks perfect and aces all her expressions, especially the part where she gives the camera an evil smirk.
This will be Shrenu’s first role as an antagonist and after having done only positive roles all her life, this is a huge challenge for the actress. However, from the looks of the promo, she seems to be doing a great job.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 13, 2019 11:09 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website