Actress Drashti Dhami, who is known for Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, Pardes Mein Hai Mera Dil and Duranga, is expecting her first baby with her husband, Niraj Khemka. On Friday, the actress took to her Instagram and shared a cute video announcing the baby's arrival in October. Aarti Chabria Announces Pregnancy! Awara Paagal Deewana Actress Is Expecting First Child With Visharad Beedassy.
In the clip, the couple is seen holding their drinks while displaying a poster that reads, "Could be Pink, Could be Blue. All we know is that we are due! October 2024." Drashti and Niraj's family members also appear in the video, celebrating the big news. The actress captioned the post: "In a galaxy not so far away, a tiny rebel is joining our crazy tribe Please send love, blessings, cash and french fries our way #BabyKOnBoard We can't wait for October 2024."
Drashti Dhami and Niraj Khemka Pregnancy Annoucement
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Drashti and Niraj tied the knot on February 21, 2015. The actress was recently seen in the second season of her successful streaming show Duranga, which is inspired by the Korean show Flower of Evil.
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