Former Bigg Boss contestant Dolly Bindra who is known to be vocal about anything and everything, on July 23, shared a tweet which mentions how she has been getting harassment calls via a specific telephone number. The actress took to her Twitter and shared a post which read, "I have been getting harassment calls from this no.' Not just this, along with the post, she also shared a screengrab which flashed the unknown number from which she has been getting the harassment calls. Through the post, she also urged and tagged the Mumbai Police to take necessary action. Bigg Boss 13: Dolly Bindra Supports Sidharth Shukla, Feels Rashami Desai Has Lost Her Chance to Win the Show.
Well, this is not the first time Dolly has been receiving calls as such. As if you are the one who keeps a track on all the entertainment news you'll know that she had earlier in 2015 filed a complaint against Radhe Maa. "I am getting life-threatening calls and I doubt on Radhe Maa, MM Gupta, and Asaram's followers over it. I have filed a complaint and the police will investigate the matter," Bindra had told ANI. Bigg Boss 13: Shehnaaz Gill, Rakhi Sawant, Dolly Bindra And More, Meet The Amusing And Entertaining Contestants From Salman Khan's Controversial Show!
Check Out Dolly Bindra's Latest Tweet Below:
For the unversed, Bindra is known to be one of the most controversial contestants from Bigg Boss. However, a section of fans love her for being super real. Having said that, we also feel that Mumbai Police should take into consideration the actress' latest request and get the caller unmasked. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 23, 2020 10:51 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website