The reality TV star Divya Agarwal has tied the knot with her boyfriend, restaurateur and 'ginfluencer' Apurva Padgaonkar on Tuesday, and shared the first pictures as husband and wife on the social media. The daytime nuptials was a traditional Marathi ceremony. Taking to Instagram, Divya shared the series of photos, wherein she can be seen wearing a purple and pink coloured bridal lehenga. She opted for a minimal diamond neckpiece, chooda and kaleerien. Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar Are Officially Married! Actress Shares Glimpses From Her Dreamy Wedding (View Pics).

For the makeup, the Bigg Boss OTT 1 winner sported a minimal look, with pink lips, kohl eyes and heavy brows. The hair was styled in soft curls. While, the groom wore a matching purple sherwani, and was sporting black sunglasses. The candid photographs show Apurva tying mangalsutra around Divya's neck. Another photo is of the pheras, wherein we can see their family around them, in a floral setting. The last snap shows the couple gazing right into each other's eyes, and smiling ear to ear. Divya Agarwal Gets Engaged to Apurva Padgaonkar, Flaunts Her Ring From the Dreamy Proposal (View Pics).

Check Their Beautiful Wedding Pics:

The post was captioned as: "From this moment on, our love story continues... Rab Rakha," followed by an evil eye emoji. Divya also shared a video on her Instagram Stories, wherein the lovebirds are seen dancing candidly during their wedding. The comment section was filled with the congratulatory messages for the newly weds. Archana Gautam wrote: "congratulations love", Stebin Ben said: "congratulations guys."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 21, 2024 10:04 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website