Actor Ragahv Tiwari, known for his role in Sony TV's popular show Crime Patrol, was allegedly attacked in a road rage incident in Mumbai. The incident reportedly took place in the Versova region of Mumbai when the actor was returning home after shopping on December 30. Raghav has suffered minor injuries due to the incident and accused the police of not taking timely action against the culprit. Vikhroli Shocker: Man Attacked With Iron Objects by 3 in Mumbai After Parking Dispute Turns Violent, All Accused Arrested.

Raghav Tiwari Explains What Happened

While speaking with IANS, Raghav Tiwari recalled the incident, which occurred while he was crossing the road in Versova and accidentally bumped into a biker. Despite the actor apologizing, the biker began to abuse him.  During his self-defence, Tiwari hit him with the person's hand, making him drop his liquor bottle, which left him infuriated. The biker then struck Tiwari on the head twice with an iron rod before finally fleeing the scene.

Raghav Tiwari Talks About the Attack

Raghav Tiwari’s Allegations Against the Police

Tiwari claimed that after the incident, he went to the police station to file a complaint against the individual, but the officers did not listen to him. He alleged that the officers asked to collect the CCTV footage instead of them doing it. However, Tiwari said that even after watching the footage no arrests were made by them. In the video, the actor also mentioned that two days after the incident, the attacker (Mohammad Zaid), who is reportedly the son of director Parvez Shaikh, approached him and apologised for the incident, but even that did not go smoothly, escalating the matter, even more.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 05, 2025 10:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website