With the coronavirus lockdown forcing people to embrace digital platforms and its future more than before, several films are now heading for a digital release including the ones that did the festival rounds. After being screened at Jagran Film Festival in 2019, Vinay Pathak, Vedant Raj Chibber and Tillotama Shome starrer, Chintu Ka Birthday is now all set to release on Zee5. The film is expected to be a family entertainer that is set in war-torn Iraq. A trailer of the film ahead of its streaming release has now been unveiled and it looks like a heartwarming drama with a premise that promises to be an emotional ride. Chintu Ka Birthday: Vinay Pathak’s Family Drama Premieres on Zee5 on June 5.
The film revolves around an Indian family awaiting their return to India amid the early days of the US-led war on Iraq in 2003. While the tense situation outside exists, the family's youngest son Chintu's birthday is around the corner and the film takes us through the extraordinary efforts they take to make Chintu's birthday special and memorable. The trailer itself suggests some power-packed performances from Vinay Pathak and Tillotama Shome. The film also stars Seema Pahwa, Reginald Barnes, Nate Scholz and Bisha Chaturvedi in supporting roles. Fauji Calling: Sharman Joshi’s Military Drama to Get an OTT Release, Confirms Director Aaryaan Saxena.
Check Out the Trailer Here:
The film has been helmed by Satyanshu Singh and Devanshu Kumar, the duo who won a National Award for their short film Tamaash. After the recent Zee5 release, Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer turned out to be a damp squib, looks like Chintu Ka Birthday will turn out to be good. During its festival run, the film had already garnered a lot of praises. The film is all set to stream on Zee5 on June 5.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 29, 2020 08:44 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).