On one hand, the #MeToo Movement in India has created an atmosphere of fear and people are hesitating to work with women, on the other hand, more such cases are churning out. The most recent being that a casting director Ravindranath Ghosh has been accused of raping a woman, and threatening to send inappropriate photos of her to her husband and lawyer. As a result of this, the woman’s husband, who works in Saputara in Nashik, left her and their newborn baby upon receiving the photos. However, according to a report in Hindustan times, the casting director has been sentenced to life imprisonment by a sessions court in Mumbai for raping and harassing a 23-year-old aspiring actor-model. Reportedly, the court has also imposed a fine of Rs 1.31 lakh, of which the casting director has to pay Rs 1 lakh to the survivor as compensation. After Mohanlal, Malayalam Filmmaker Lal Jose Disses the #MeToo Movement, Says ‘I Think Twice Before Hiring Women Now’
It was in 2011 that the victim met the accused at a hospital where she was working. Ghosh, who introduced himself as a cameraman and casting director, promised the woman a job after she expressed her interest in acting. The accused told the woman that he is producing a television series and he will get her a role in his show.
Later, Ghosh referred the woman to a TV show audition and demanded sexual favours from her to give a boost to her career. Reportedly, the woman, who began ignoring his calls, responded after two weeks, when the accused asked her to meet him at Madh Island. When she met him in February 2012 at a lodge in Madh Island, he raped her and took photos of her.
The #MeToo Movement took India by storm in October, and various powerful men from different fields were pulled up by women, for sexually harassing them and misconduct. The movement has so far exposed biggies like Vikas Bahl and Sajid Khan, lyricist Vairamuthu, actors Nana Patekar, Rajat Kapoor, Subhash Kapoor, Kailash Kher, Mukesh Chhabra and comedy group AIB, Aditi Mittal, singer Raghu Dixit, among others. Watch this space for further updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 03, 2019 11:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).