Black Warrant is a gritty seven-part series directed by Vikramaditya Motwane, which delves into the complexities of power, caste, and religious hierarchies within Tihar Jail. Based on the book co-authored by Sunil Kumar Gupta and journalist Sunetra Chowdhary, the series offers an insider’s view of life in Asia’s largest prison. The plot explores the harsh realities inmates face, with a focus on the systemic structures that dominate their existence. With standout performances from Zahan Kapoor, Rahul Bhat, and Paramvir Cheema, the show is a hard-hitting portrayal of prison life, capturing both the brutality and the underlying humanity. Let's check what the critics have to say about it. ‘Black Warrant’ Review: Zahan Kapoor and Rahul Bhat Are Exceptional in Vikramaditya Motwane’s Gripping Prison Drama Series (LatestLY Exclusive).
CNBC TV: At its heart, Black Warrant is both an unvarnished look at the inner workings of Asia’s largest prison and a tale of Sunil’s transformation. Zahan Kapoor plays Sunil Kumar Gupta, a 24-year-old who steps into the tumultuous world of Tihar (though Zahan, aged 32, slightly deviates from the real-life character’s youthful appearance). He embodies the evolution of a docile man into a determined jailer with nuanced diction and body language, and silences that speak volumes. His performance proves his mettle as an actor, capturing both the vulnerability and resilience of a man caught in an unforgiving system. Rahul Bhat delivers a standout performance as DSP Rajesh Tomar, a manipulative, authoritative figure who teeters between protecting his staff and furthering his own interests. His layered portrayal contrasts beautifully with Kapoor’s quieter, introspective Sunil. Together, they anchor the narrative, with the help of the supporting cast, including Paramvir Singh Cheema and Anurag Thakur.
Hindustan Times: Black Warrant is honest, which is more than what can be said about most shows today. With the proliferation of streaming, filmmakers have become more audacious in their approach, relying on gore, blood, and 'realism' to shock the audience. Black Warrant has its fair share of shocks. But none of them are unsavoury. You cannot make a show about the country's biggest prison without making the viewer uncomfortable. But Motwane shows a way to do that without making what's on the screen downright repulsive. The show condenses some timelines, and alters the dates on some incidents, but those are cinematic liberties while dealing with the boundaries of narrating true events. It never tries to take sides, let alone distort facts.
Scroll. in: Menace shadows the narrative, making for occasionally gripping viewing. Yet, Black Warrant sometimes mirrors Sunil’s dipping energy levels when faced with impossible situations. The portions about the gang wars tread water. Black Warrant glancingly tackles the debates raised by Sunil Kumar Gupta’s memoir about the state’s fundamental attitude towards prison management and prisoners. ‘Black Warrant’ Teaser: Zahan Kapoor Faces the Dark Side of Tihar Jail in Vikramaditya Motwane’s New Web Series (Watch Video).
Black Warrant Trailer
Indian Express: It’s hard to pull off a prison drama where you can feel the grit without being utterly revolted at the kinds of things that go on behind those impenetrable walls; where the performances feel as close to real as possible. ‘Black Warrant’ goes the full yard in attempting to unpack the intricate power structure, showcasing caste-and-religious hierarchies between gangs comprising hardened criminals and innocents dumped there by sloppy or malicious police work, a power-keg which needs to be controlled day and night by hard-pressed wardens, peppered by the social-political happenings in the outside world, and keeps it watchable.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 11, 2025 11:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website