Anil Kapoor-hosted Bigg Boss OTT 3 is quickly becoming one of the most loved seasons of the reality show. Each passing day has left audiences thrilled, thanks to Armaan Malik's slap incident involving Vishal Pandey, wildcard entries and other incidents. However, the drama continues with Ranvir Shorey getting elected as the new head of the house, after which he had the authority to nominate three co-contestants this week. Now, just days after Armaan and Kritika Malik's intimate video inside the house went viral, the show is grabbing headlines after the makers made a blunder by making an alleged premature announcement on their social media. ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’ Makers To Take Action Over Obscene ‘Doctored Clip’ Featuring Armaan Malik and Kritika Malik’s Intimate Moment.
Vishal Pandey To Be Evicted This Week?
Ranvir Shorey, who is in power, went on to nominate Vishal Pandey, Lovekesh Kataria and Shivani Kumar this week. The trio were assigned a task after which one of them would be saved by other contestants of the house. Shivani Kumar received the maximum votes and was saved. Well, after that, the official social media handle of Jio Cinema took to their Instagram handle on July 24 to drop a post sharing vote appeal for Shivani Kumari, Lovekesh Kataria and Vishal Pandey. However, in the post, one of the slides featured a picture of Vishal Pandey, who read, "Evicted." Though the post was soon deleted, we wonder if the makers have already decided on this week's eviction.
Now Deleted Eviction Post of ‘Bigg Boss Ott 3’ Contestant Vishal Pandey
Vishal Pandey’s Friend Aliya Hamidi Reacts to the Post
Before the post was deleted, many users quickly took screenshots and reacted to the blunder. Among them was Vishal Pandey's friend Aliya Hamidi. Taking to her Instagram stories, she shared a picture of Vishal's eviction post and slammed the makers. She wrote, "If they're planning to evict Vishal, I'm sorry, I'm gonna lose all my faith in the makers! What a biased show! I wonder which respected artist would even want to enter Bigg Boss next season if decent people are being treated this way! I'm sorry if they evict Vishal, I;m not watching the rest of this season."
Aliya Hamidi’s Slams ‘Bigg Boss Ott 3’ Makers for Probable Vishal’s Eviction
A popular Bigg Boss fan page, LadyKhabri, also shared Jio Cinema's deleted post on their X (previously Twitter) handle and wrote, "All drama , #VishalPandey is already evicted, why fool the Janta?" ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’: Munawar Faruqui Takes a Dig at Armaan Malik’s POCSO Case, Standup Comedian Also Mocks Wildcard Entrant Adnaan Shaikh’s Early Eviction.
All drama , #VishalPandey is already evicted, why fool the Janta?
— Lady Khabri (@KhabriBossLady) July 25, 2024
Previously, wildcard entrant Adnaan Shaikh and Sana Sultan were eliminated in a double eviction. Deepak Chaurasia was also eliminated in Weekend Ka Vaar after receiving the lowest votes from the audience.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 25, 2024 03:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
Vishal Pandey’s Friend Aliya Hamidi Reacts to the Post
Before the post was deleted, many users quickly took screenshots and reacted to the blunder. Among them was Vishal Pandey's friend Aliya Hamidi. Taking to her Instagram stories, she shared a picture of Vishal's eviction post and slammed the makers. She wrote, "If they're planning to evict Vishal, I'm sorry, I'm gonna lose all my faith in the makers! What a biased show! I wonder which respected artist would even want to enter Bigg Boss next season if decent people are being treated this way! I'm sorry if they evict Vishal, I;m not watching the rest of this season."
Aliya Hamidi’s Slams ‘Bigg Boss Ott 3’ Makers for Probable Vishal’s Eviction
A popular Bigg Boss fan page, LadyKhabri, also shared Jio Cinema's deleted post on their X (previously Twitter) handle and wrote, "All drama , #VishalPandey is already evicted, why fool the Janta?" ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’: Munawar Faruqui Takes a Dig at Armaan Malik’s POCSO Case, Standup Comedian Also Mocks Wildcard Entrant Adnaan Shaikh’s Early Eviction.
Previously, wildcard entrant Adnaan Shaikh and Sana Sultan were eliminated in a double eviction. Deepak Chaurasia was also eliminated in Weekend Ka Vaar after receiving the lowest votes from the audience.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 25, 2024 03:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website