Actor and well known Radio Jockey Pritam Singh recently bore the brunt of going to rescue a woman, not that he regrets his actions. Pritam Singh was beaten up with sticks and his car pelted with stones by hooligans whom he confronted for harassing a woman. An upset Pritam lodged a complaint against the accused and also shared his ordeal on social media. The incident in question happened on the early hours of Sunday (which also was ironically Women's Day) when Pritam and wife Amanjyot were driving through Bangur Nagar when they saw four men harassing a woman and her male companion. When Pritam stopped and intervened, the men beat him up and also pelted stones at his car. As per Pritam's statement, there were other bystanders present at the time of the incident, but none came to their rescue. Bigg Boss 12: Manu Punjabi and Pritam Singh Create a Storm by Suggesting Inmates to Send Karanvir Bohra to Kaal Kothri – Watch Video.
The victim told Mirror that she had gone to a tea stall in the area with a male companion, when she was harassed by the four men who appeared to be drunk and when her friend called them out, they started beating him. By then Pritam, who had stopped his car and asked the woman to sit in his car with his wife Amanjyot, was also attacked and stones were pelted.
Pritam Shared Pictures of Injuries That The Victim's Friend Sustained:
Brutally beaten last night by goons n was later admitted to hospital..
— Pritam Singh (@iampritampyaare) March 8, 2020
He Also Sustained Injuries on His Head:
— Pritam Singh (@iampritampyaare) March 8, 2020
"I was so scared thinking of the worst possible scenarios. Singh was god-sent; he took me away from the men and made me sit in his car,” she told. The victim also added that while the people present there simply watched them get assaulted and nobody came to help them, more people had apparently joined the goons in beating up Singh and her friend.
Recalling the incident, Pritam told Mirror, "I stepped in because my wife wanted me to save the woman. However, the incident has badly affected her health as she had to be hospitalised on account of low blood pressure." Singh lodged a complaint at the Bangur Nagar police station and a few arrests have also been made in connection with the case.
Check Out Pritam's Tweets:
Incident took place in bangur nagar signal A boy and a girl was brutally beaten up by goons I was passing by I stopped my car and try to help them in that chaos they damaged my car and also hurt me @MumbaiPolice #ShivSena the boy badly hurt admitted to the nearby hospital.
— Pritam Singh (@iampritampyaare) March 8, 2020
Pritam Also Highloghted The Help That MLA Aslam Shaikh Offered After Reading His Tweets:
Thank you @AslamShaikh_MLA for the help he is no nonsense young n dinamic leader we need more leaders like him ..The culprits r behind bars in less than 24 hours thank you @MumbaiPolice n thankyou #PIShoubha ji n the Bangur nagar police station staff ...
— Pritam Singh (@iampritampyaare) March 8, 2020
Cabinet Minister Aslam Shaikh also told the paper, "It is unfortunate that such an incident has happened in the city. I have asked the police to take strict action against the culprits. They must be identified and arrested within 48 hours. said Shaikh who is a cabinet minister. Senior inspector Shobha Pise of Bangur Nagar police confirmed that an FIR has been registered under sections 354 (outraging modesty), 509 (insult to the modesty of a woman), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons) of the IPC."
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 09, 2020 08:34 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website