Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan, recently saw the dramatic entry of wild card contestants Digvijay Rathee and Kashish Kapoor. Digvijay, who gained widespread recognition for his appearance on MTV’s Splitsvilla X5, initially entered the show as the ex of Ishita Rawat. However, his journey took a turn when he formed a romantic bond with Unnati Tomar during his time on the show. The duo quickly became a popular couple, their chemistry garnering significant attention. Their relationship appeared to be thriving post-show, but recent developments suggest the couple's bond may be facing challenges. Bigg Boss 18 Wildcard Contestant Digvijay Singh Rathee Once Hugged Virat Kohli After Breaching Security in Stadium During IPL Match.

Unnati Tomar Announces Breakup With Digvijay Rathee

Unnati Tomar took to Instagram and officially announced her separation from Bigg Boss 18 contestant Digvijay Rathee. In a social media post, she requested fans to avoid tagging her in any content related to Digvijay or the show. “Hey cuties! It's a request to you all to not mention me in any dignati reels or edits. Also, don't waste your time supporting DIGNATI,” she wrote. ‘Bigg Boss 18’: Avinash Mishra To Get Evicted From the Show Following His Physical Fight With Digvijay Rathee During Time God Task? (Watch Video).

Unnati Tomar's Instagram Post 

Unnati Tomar Instagram 

Unnati Tomar With Digvijay Rathee


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A post shared by Unnati Tomar 👑 (@unnatitomarrr)

"Support both of us individually. As you can see, I have been getting ignored by Digvijay's PR team, so please do not spam me to support or literally anything related to Dignijay,” Unnati added. She also mentioned how her self-respect is above everything right now and penned, “If I wish to support him, I will. So far I have realised they don't want my support or anything. So I am officially done here. My self-respect is above everything, which I have been losing for a while."

For those unfamiliar, Digvijay Rathee and Unnati are often fondly referred to as DigNati by their fans on social media. The couple began dating during Splitsvilla X5, and their relationship flourished even after the show. However, Unnati's latest post has raised concerns, suggesting all is not well between the two.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 15, 2024 03:13 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website