Filmmaker and choreographer Farah Khan has entered the Bigg Boss 16 house to meet her brother Sajid Khan and celebrate her birthday, which is on January 9. During 'family week', the contestants will get to meet their family members. Farah went inside the house with lots of food for the contestants, which included Veg Pulao, Khatta Aloo, Yakhni Pulao, and a burger for Abdu Rozik. Bigg Boss 16: Tannaz Irani Calls Shiv Thakare ‘Cunning’, Slams Archana Gautam and Priyanka Chahar For Spreading Noise Pollution on the Show!

She complimented each of the housemates and said Priyanka Chahar Choudhary is the Deepika Padukone of Bigg Boss 16 house. She also told Sumbul that the same way Sajid irritates her, he does it with his sisters too and he considers her as his sister. Farah said that now she has three more brothers and they are Shiv Thakare, Abdu Rozik and MC Stan. Bigg Boss 16: Sajid Khan’s Sister Farah Khan All Set to Enter the Reality Show in Family Week!

Farah also promised contestants to throw a party after the show for them. The 'Main Hoon Na' director also questioned Soundarya about her relationship with Gautam Singh Vig. Farah is known for directing a number of films including Om Shanti Om, Happy New Year, among others. As a choreographer, she worked in Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar, Kabhi Haa Kabhi Naa, Dilawale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Housefull 4, and many more. Bigg Boss 16 airs on Colors.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 08, 2023 08:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website