TV actor Sidharth Shukla, who is currently one of the contestants on Bigg Boss 13 has managed to impress the viewers of the show. His knack of taking a stand against the wrong is being appreciated by a huge set of people. There is no denying that his fan base has grown in big numbers since the past one month. All these people are supporting him and we won't be surprised if he comes out as the winner of this season on January 12, 2020. With all that being said, we also need to talk about Sidharth's love life.
The good-looking actor might be single right now, but he has reportedly dated quite a few TV actresses in the past. Fans of Bigg Boss 13 will know that Sidharth was rumoured to be romantically involved with co-contestant, Arti Singh. Of course, neither of them were open about their relationship, but all those rumours about them were really strong. The fact that Arti has been by Sidharth's side on the show till now adds more fuel to the fire. Bigg Boss 13 Wild Card Contestant Shefali Jariwala Asks Salman Khan To Return Her Bra In This Funny Scene From Mujhse Shaadi Karogi - Watch Video.
Sidharth also reportedly had an affair with actress Drashti Dhami. The two worked together on the popular celebrity dance reality TV show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa. It is then that they both apparently got really close. In fact, it is said that they went out on a couple of coffee dates. But this affair didn't last long and Drashti then started dating her husband, Neeraj Khemka.
Then there were also speculations of an affair between Sidharth and his Balika Vadhu co-star Smita Bansal. This relationship too was a secret for the public until an insider spilt some beans and it became a hot topic of discussion then.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 31, 2019 10:56 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website