If there is one contestant from Bigg Boss 13 who can be termed as a 'smart player', then it's hands down, Paras Chhabra. The Splitsvilla 5 winner has been strong and manipulative from day 1 in the house, Be it pampering Mahira Sharma, playing a dirty game with Rashami Desai to even brainwashing Devoleena Bhattacharjee against her BFF Rashami, Paras' game plan in the ghar is clear that he wants to win the reality show. Having said that, as they say, every coin has two sides and yes Paras also showed his weak side during one of the Bigg Boss episodes. Going by a video on BB 13 Unseen Undekha on VOOT, it sees the lad getting emotional and opening upon his father’s death and the struggles. Bigg Boss 13: A Video of Paras Chhabra Apparently Trying to Save His Wig Goes Viral After Asim Riaz Claims He Is Bald!
It so happened that Bhau asked Paras about his father's occupation to which the latter said that his paa left the world when he was just three years old. Adding further, Paras said, “I don't know how it feels to be loved by a father as I was not lucky to have one around during my growing years. My mother is my everything and she has left no chance to make me what I am today. I believe my mother is a very strong woman. Mummy has given me all that I have needed all these years, but she has also made sure that I realise the value of everything I have been blessed with. She put in all efforts to educate me properly, but I left my studies when I was in 11th". Bigg Boss 13: Asim Riaz Claims That Paras Chhabra Is Bald And Wears A Wig.
Check Out Paras' Crazy Antics Below: