Bigg Boss 13 fame contestant Paras Chhabra has landed in a new controversy. His designers have alleged that Paras has not paid dues for the clothes he wore inside the house. In a recent interview to SpotboyE, one of the designers said: "It is extremely unprofessional. Every time he says mere GST issues chal rahe hain, hence I haven't got my prize money of Bigg Boss 13 and shall pay you only when I get it." Coronavirus Effect: The Shooting of Paras Chhabra and Shehnaaz Gill’s Mujhse Shaadi Karoge Gets Delayed as Contestants Leave for Home?
Responding to such allegations, Paras' spokesperson has issued a statement, stating that he is not liable to pay anything to the designers. "These are false allegations by the stylists to gain cheap publicity. Nearly after two months if this is what they are trying to do, we call it disgusting and uncalled for. Entertainment