Bigg Boss 13 has been in the news since quite a while now. The reality show hosted by Salman Khan show is notorious for it's controversial content. As soon as the season starts, the contestants, format and the fights always manage to take an ugly turn. However, that does not deter the superstar host and he gives his best during the two Weekend ka Var episodes. This one was an entertaining as well. The fans saw the first elimination of the season as Dalljiet Kaur was evicted. The next episode is also going to be a fun one. Bigg Boss 13: Nawazuddin Siddiqui Grooves With 'Devil' Salman Khan on Kick Song Jumme Ki Raat! (View Pics).
In the preview of the next episode, it is shown that Salman Khan will invite a special guest. This special guest is none other than Nawazuddin Siddiqui. He will be here to promote his fil="drop-thumb-link" title="When the Phone Rings Finale: The Thrilling Conclusion With Yoo Yeon-seok and Chae Soo-Bin on January 3 and 4">When the Phone Rings Finale: The Thrilling Conclusion With Yoo Yeon-seok and Chae Soo-Bin on January 3 and 4