The Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai actress Shilpa Shinde and TV producer Vikas Gupta, who shared a bitter-sweet relationship in Salman Khan's Bigg Boss 11, had once again entered the Bigg Boss 12 house recently, where the two managed to create some fireworks in the house. Vikas and Shilpa made the housemates believe that they are the wild card entries and are their competitors in the show, while they were just there were there to save the sinking Bigg Boss. Talking about Vikas and Shilpa's volatile equation, Shilpa still have grudges for Vikas. She still hasn't moved on and is not ready to let go of her past. Yes, you read that right. Talking about it, Vikas in a statement to India Forum, said, "I am really upset with Shilpa Shinde as I recently realised that Shilpa still has hard feelings for me." Bigg Boss 12: Rohit Suchanti, Surbhi Rana – Who Will Get a Ticket to Semi-Finale? - Watch Video

Vikas went on to add that one must not get stuck on to something. He told the website, "When we were to enter the Bigg Boss 12 house, Shilpa and I had a lengthy conversation. I had also told Shilpa, 'this is not our season and let's not steal the limelight from them. Let's just go and play our game and give our best. Let's excite and entertain them and move on.' But I was quite surprised to see Shilpa still having the same complaints that she had on season 11."

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He further added, "Despite Salman sir and team giving her the clarification that it has never been my fault for what happened with but it was only her assumptions, she still blames me. Unfortunately, she only wants to believe what she thinks is right. So when we left the BB 12 house after spending two days inside the house, I messaged Shilpa one last time telling her that I am really upset with her and she needs to move on and let bygones be bygones." Watch this space for further updates.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 05, 2018 05:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website