Salman Khan's famous reality TV show, Bigg Boss premiered last night with its 12th season. The house that has previously hosted celebrities like Gauahar Khan, Sunny Leone, Karishma Tanna, Juhi Parmar, Urvashi Dholakia, Hina Khan, and Shilpa Shinde welcomed a new format of Singles v/s Doubles this year. While celebs like Karanvir Bohra, Neha Pendse, and Dipika Kakkar entered solo, others like Anup Jalota entered with their partners. It was a big night for all the BB fans, however, not everything was hunky-dory about the episode. Bigg Boss 12: Twitterati Is Obsessed With Anup Jalota And Jasleen Matharu's Jodi And Why Shouldn't They? Read Hilarious Tweets

Karanvir Bohra, who's popular for his roles in TV shows like Qubool Hai, Kasautii Zindagii Kay, and Shararat was the first contestant revealed of this new season. While his fan clubs were going crazy on his arrival in the show, their happiness was short-lived. It was a prank that Manveer Gujjar and his friends played on the actor that irked his fans. Yes, the one where they coloured his face black! Fans thought this prank wasn't justified and so not needed. Though the actor took it sportingly, it was unjust. His fans took to Twitter to express their infuriation and voice support for their favourite star. Check out the tweets below to read their sad and angry reactions. Bigg Boss 12 Premiere: 5 Best and Worst Moments From the First Episode of Salman Khan’s Reality Show


However, his humiliation has already helped him bagged some solid support from viewers. Twitterati is already declaring him as their favourite contestant and some are even predicting his win. Well, the show has just started and it's too early to predict a winner. In a show like Bigg Boss, tables can change any time.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 17, 2018 09:22 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website