Karan Patel must have already declared his favourite contestants in his mind. The actor who recently entered the Bigg Boss house with former contestant Shilpa Shinde to judge a debate against the Khan sisters has already won many hearts of these new participants. In one of the short clips posted by the Colors Instagram handle, you can see how Karanvir Bohra is singing praises for this Ye Hai Mohabbatein star when Dipika Kakkar, Somi and Saba join him. Bigg Boss 12: Shocking! This Video Shows S Sreesanth Using a Mobile Phone Inside the House

Karan took to his Insta handle to personally thank all of them for such kind words. According to these contestants, Karan is a combination of Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. With a physique like the Dabangg star and charm like SRK, Karan has all the right qualities of these two superstars that make him a gem of a person. Now we all know the TV star is a huge SRK fan and these sweet words from the participants inside the house will only make him blush. Bigg Boss 12 Elimination: Dipika Kakar, Somi Khan, Saba Khan, Shivashish Mishra – Who Should Be Evicted?


While these contestants earlier had an argument with the Khan sisters, seems like all is well now. The way they are chatting and discussing like good old friends is definitely a good but shocking sight for Bigg Boss viewers. Well, let's hope nothing bothers this budding friendship.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 20, 2018 09:36 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).