At the grand launch of Bigg Boss 12 in Goa, Salman Khan had introduced Bharti Singh and Harsh Limbachiyaa as the first official contestants of the show. Fans and the new contestants are also quite pumped for the show. Bharti had expressed how badly she wants to win Bigg Boss 12 without turning into a tantrum queen. The comedian is determined to win Salman's reality show. Bharti and Harsh have just returned from Argentina a couple of weeks back after participating in Khatron Ke Khiladi 9. Former Bigg Boss 11 contestant and current KKK9 contestant, Vikas Gupta, and the newly married couple became very close friends during the Rohit Shetty show.
In fact, Vikas suffered from a snake bite while trying to rescue Bharti. We called Vikas to ask him what his reaction was on finding out about Bharti and Harsh entering the Bigg Boss 12 house and well, his reaction was not what we expected. The producer/ reality show contestant was clueless and quite surprised to find out about this. Though he also said that if the news is true, he is sure that fans will love watching Bharti and Harsh on the small screen and that they became one of his closest friends while shooting for KKK9.
Here's how Vikas reacted when we asked about the two participating in BB12, "Are they participating in Bigg Boss? I am not sure about that. I thought Bharti was hosting India's Got Talent. I have no idea about this. I thought she was hosting IGT. How will she be in both shows?" He added, "She has not told me anything about this. I don't think it's true. But if it is true, I am sure they will be loved by everyone, not just outside the house but inside the house also. I have been with them on Khatron Ke Khiladi and they are the nicest human beings I have been around. But nonetheless, I don't think they are doing the show (laughs)". What are your thoughts on this? Tell us in the comments below and stay tuned with us for more.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 06, 2018 05:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website