And we have another Bigg Boss 12 jodi whose name has been officially revealed. Gangs Of Wasseypur singer Deepak Thakur will be entering the glass- walled house with his fan. Colors took to Twitter to announce Deepak's participation in the show. In the video, Deepak's fan, whose name is not yet revealed, is seen saying how she ran away from her house to meet the singer. She says, "Bigg Boss mein ek maa-beti, bhai behen ki jodi ye sab aaenge, lekin ek fan aur ek celebrity ki jodi... ye unique hai apne aap mein."  Bigg Boss 12: A Lawyer And A Cop - Meet The First Commoner Jodi Of Salman Khan's Show.

Deepak, who has a beautiful voice, hails from an island village called Athar in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar. He is the first and the only singer in the family that earns its livelihood through farming. The makers of Bigg Boss 12 also revealed another commoner jodi, a lawyer and a policeman earlier in the evening before.

Check out the new promo of Bigg Boss 12 featuring Deepak here-

You can also watch one of Deepak's performances here-

Talking about the celebrity contestants, TV actress Dipika Kakkar is entering the house. Her husband, Shoaib Ibrahim confirmed her entry while interacting with India Today. Former Indian cricketer S Sreesanth is also making his way to the glass-walled house, we hear. Famous singer Anup Jalota, TV actor Shaleen Bhanot are some of the other celebs participating in Bigg Boss 12.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 11, 2018 10:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website