Bhajan Samrat Anup Jalota already shocked the entire country after he confirmed being in a relationship with a 28-year-old Jasleen Matharu on Bigg Boss 12. The singer has already managed to recruit more students from the house and does his riyaaz with them every morning. We told you recently how the upcoming task of the house will have Anup as the King and others his subjects. Sreesanth and Shivashish also get into a huge fight during the task. But there is something else that will make you roll on the floor laughing. Devotional singer, Anup Jalota, sings Sunny Leone's Baby Doll during the Bigg Boss 12 luxury budget task.

Not only does he know the lyrics by heart, he also makes Roshmi Banik and a couple of other female contestants dance to the song. Though it looks funny, we are not sure how much we are going to enjoy this. Last season, it was Hiten Tejwani who had become the King of the house with Arshi Khan constantly flirting with him. Before that was Swami Om, who became quite popular for ruining literally every task that season. Like every task in the house, this one is also going to witness a lot of drama along with some laughs.

Check out this video of Anup singing Sunny's Baby Doll here.

Whether the contestants win the luxury budget task or not, we are really curious about Sunny's reaction to the recreation of her song in the show. What are your thoughts on this video of the upcoming episode? Tell us in the comments below and stay tuned with us for more updates on Bigg Boss 12.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 20, 2018 12:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website