Batman-Caped Crusader: HBO Max and Cartoon Network Announce a New Animated Series on the Iconic DC Superhero

HBO Max and Cartoon Network have announced a new animated series on the iconic DC superhero Batman. Titled Batman: Caped Crusader, the show will be executive produced by filmmakers JJ Abrams, Matt Reeves and Batman: The Animated Series co-creator Bruce Timm.

Poster of Batman-Caped Crusader (Photo Credits: Twitter)

HBO Max and Cartoon Network have announced a new animated series on the iconic DC superhero Batman. Titled "Batman: Caped Crusader", the show will be executive produced by filmmakers JJ Abrams, Matt Reeves and "Batman: The Animated Series" co-creator Bruce Timm, HBO Max said in a statement.Described as a "reimagining of the Batman mythology", the show will be produced by Warner Bros Animation in collaboration with Abrams' Bad Robot Productions and Reeves' 6th & Idaho banner. The Batman: 5 Pointers Director Matt Reeves Revealed About Robert Pattinson's Film at the DC Fandome Panel.

"Batman: Caped Crusader" marks Timm's return to the popular character in animated episodic television, which began with the Emmy Award-winning "Batman: The Animated Series". "We are beyond excited to be working together to bring this character back, to tell engrossing new stories in Gotham City. The series will be thrilling, cinematic and evocative of Batman's noir roots, while diving deeper into the psychology of these iconic characters. We cannot wait to share this new world," Abrams, Reeves and Timm said. Batman Logo Look: Matt Reeves Gives DC Fans a Treat Ahead Of DC FanDome Event (View Pics).

Reeves is currently working on the much-awaited "The Batman" movie, starring Robert Pattinson in the title role. The movie, which will also star Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Barry Keoghan, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell, will release in March 2022. Abrams, known for directing "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" movies, will executive produce HBO Max's in-development "Justice League Dark" series.

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