Bollywood actress Archana Puran Singh, who is currently seen judging the show The Kapil Sharma Show, hosted by comedian Kapil Sharma, turns a year older today (September 26, 2019). Birthday wishes have been pouring in for the actress on her social media accounts from her fans, family and friends from the entertainment industry. Archana, who began with her acting career with Wah, Kya Scene Hai and later was seen in various TV shows like Jaane Bhi Do Paro, Shrimaan Shrimati, Archana Talkies Comedy Circus, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, among others, is still best remembered for playing the flirtatious college professor Miss Braganza in the blockbuster Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Preeto from the blockbuster movie Mohabbatein. Archana Puran Singh Reveals She’s Paid Half the Salary Given to Navjot Singh Sidhu For The Kapil Sharma Show
Archana Puran Singh, who has done several comedy roles in Bollywood movies, has been known for her comic timing and impeccable presentation skills on television. This bold and beautiful actress has even done what people call "steamy scenes" with several Bollywood A-listers of the gone times including Sunny Deol, Naseeruddin Shah. Although, Archana could never establish herself as a lead actress in Bollywood, her character roles too paid off well for her as it brought both recognition and success. Archana Puran Singh Starts Shooting for the Kapil Sharma Show Post Navjot Singh Sidhu’s Exit – See Pic
As Archana Puran Singh turned 57 today, let's scroll through the album to check out the collection of Archana Puran Singh's hottest pictures on the net. Take a look!
Check Out Archana Puran Singh's Unseen (Bold) Pics:
Let's reminisce Archana Puran Singh’s days of glamour...
Archana Puran Singh appeared in a swim-suit for a song in a film titled Baaz.
Archana, who doesn't shy away from poking fun at others, has definitely no qualms in being made fun of on the hit comedy show (she is currently judging) The Kapil Sharma Show.
Anytime we think about Archana, one of the first things that comes up in our mind is, "Why does this woman laughs so much at every line?"
Archana Puran Singh was seen in the lead role opposite Naseeruddin Shah in a film Jalwa, which became her shortcut to fame. Although her career as a lead actress didn’t last long, she worked with many big banners of B-town. Some of her films are Love Story 2050, Mohabbatein, Krrish, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Masti and Bol Bachchan. Archana is currently seen in the place of Navjot Singh Sidhu on The Kapil Sharma Show.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 26, 2019 09:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website