VJ-turned-actress Anusha Dandekar recently opened a can of worms and revealed to the world that she and Karan Kundrra are no more a couple. She took to her social media and shared a lengthy post that conveyed the reason why she broke up with her man. With quite an emotional post, Anusha shared how she was 'cheated and lied to' in the relationship, adding that she even waited for an apology which she never got. Anusha and Karan hosted several seasons of MTV’s Love School where the two were the gurus to the contestants. Talking about the same, Dandekar in her revelation post also mentioned that every advice she shared on the show was real. Anusha Dandekar Addresses Break-Up Rumours With Karan Kundrra, Says She Knows Who Went to Press With This 'So Called' Information (View Post).
Through her Instagram post, Anusha also advised one and all that don’t ever let love consume so much, that you lose you. Indeed, this is heartbreaking as Anusha-Karan was touted to be one of the most sorted couples from the showbiz. Each word from Dandekar’s post feels straight from the heart that you can feel her pain even while reading it. Nevertheless, hope 2021 becomes a great year for the actress. Karan Kundrra Refutes Break-Up Rumours With Anusha Dandekar, Says 'Just Because We Are Living Separately, People Have Assumed That We Have Parted Ways'.
Check Out Anusha Dandekar’s Post Below:
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Anusha's sisters Shibani and Apeksha left heart emojis on her IG post and also dropped morale-boosting comments. For the one’s unaware, Anusha and Karan dated for around five years. Together they were the face of MTV Love School Season 2, 3 and 4. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 02, 2021 03:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).