Ace comedian Ali Asgar, who is known for his work on small screen, especially for playing the famed Dadi on The Comedy Show with Kapil Sharma, met with a freak accident in the city today (February 11) early morning. Fortunately, the actor escaped unhurt after the police who instantly came to my rescue. Recalling the accident, Ali, in a statement to Times of India, said, "I was driving the car. The entire car is damaged. I was waiting at signal and suddenly I felt a loud thud and the next thing I realised, my car went ahead and hit a truck parked in front." Shocking! Ali Asgar Was Molested in Get-Up of ‘Dadi’, Says ‘They Were Putting Their Hands on My Chest, They Were Pinching My Butt’
Ali, luckily, escaped without any injuries. He mentioned, "The car bonnet opened and I had a lucky escape. By God’s grace nothing happened. I dread to think what would have happened had it been a moving car or if there were people walking. Why this rash driving? I am shaken after this," further thanking the police, he said, "Thankfully there were police around. A crowd gathered and the police came for help. They took care of everything and also took the guy who rammed into my car."
Earlier today, Ali also took to the micro-blogging site to thank the Mumbai police for their selfless service. He wrote, "Just wanted to Thank Pydhonie Police Station..specially PSI Liladhar Patil for being warm understanding & helpful-my car met wit an accident but the way he handled the Situation is greatly Appreciated..Thank you PSI Patil ..Thank you @MumbaiPolice -Salute."
Check Out Ali's Tweet Here:
Just wanted to Thank Pydhonie Police Station..specially PSI Liladhar Patil for being warm understanding & helpful-my car met wit an accident but the way he handled the Situation is greatly Appreciated..Thank you PSI Patil ..Thank you @MumbaiPolice -Salute 👏🙏
— Ali Asgar (@kingaliasgar) 11 March 2019
On the professional front, Ali Asgar was last seen in comedy show Kanpur Wale Khuranas. The actor, who has worked (mostly as a comedian) in Bollywood movies like Aitbaar, Partner, among others, is also the winner of the Comedy Circus competition with Kashif Khan and of Comedy Circus Ke Taansen with Kapil. Watch this space for further updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 11, 2019 10:39 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website