Only a few days back, actress Abigail Pande, who is currently seen in Colors’ Shakti… Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki, took the internet by storm when she posted a topless picture of herself while practising nude yoga. Abigail was seen sporting yellow bottoms and went topless, while in her own admission, her best friend Aashka Goradia not only clicked her but also encouraged Abigail to liberate herself of her fears. While both Abigail and Aashka’s love for yoga is well known, looks like they are all about pole dancing now. Abigail Pande Performs Nude Yoga, Thanks Aashka Goradia For Inspiring Her!
For those who think that pole dancing is sleazy, think again. It’s a great form of workout and is fast becoming a fitness trend. Aashka and Abigail not only practised pole dancing but also aced it and how.
Check Out The Video Below:
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Do we need to spell out how sexy, graceful and in sync, the duo looks? While both Abigail and Aashka are yoga enthusiasts and their respective social media accounts are proof of the same, the duo took their love for nude yoga a step further recently.
Check Out Their Posts Below:
Abigail Pande
Aashka Goradia
Well, the ladies are all about fitness and their social media is proof of the same. Whenever anyone of you readers needs some fitness inspiration, you know whose profiles to visit now, don’t yaa..?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 02, 2019 12:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website