Actress Nandini Sharma, who is seen playing a negative character, Riya in the show Faltu, recalled her initial days in the entertainment industry and how she faced rejections for being overweight. She talked about missing an opportunity of playing a lead role in a South project because of her weight. She said: "Struggles are a part of an actor's life, but when it comes to dealing with rejection, it's not easy at all. I can say this because I have lost projects due to my weight and that thing really demotivated me a lot. Sometimes, I was rejected even before giving the audition. I remember that I was in talks about a big South project but my weight was an issue for them to cast me as a lead." Renuka Shahane Birthday: 5 TV Shows Of The Actress You Should Watch.
Nandini, who has also acted in the web series- Jaanbaaz Hindustan Ke, added that being rejected for her weight used to affect her a lot. "It would really make me feel disheartened. I keep losing weight, but it's a difficult journey to fit in. Gradually, I learnt to deal with the rejections and never stopped giving auditions because I was passionate about becoming an actress. Even today, I control my diet and work out each day." Actres.s Nilu Kohli’s Husband Harminder Singh Kohli Dies After Slipping Inside the Bathroom
However, she asserted that it is important that actors should not be judged on the basis of their looks or just body weight. "I do feel that it's high time that actors shouldn't be judged on the various parameters of beauty. Such kinds of rejections can affect a person too much," she concluded.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 28, 2023 12:58 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website