The web series Aashram directed by Prakash Jha had released on OTT platform MX Player for free on August 28, 2020. Starring Bobby Deol in the lead, it revolved around a preacher known as Baba Nirala, whose followers believe in him blindly and would do anything he asks. This godman would ensure that the devotees stay attached to the Aashram for life. This story was developed in two parts and it is now stated that the second part of Aashram would be releasing in November. Aashram Review: Bobby Deol’s Series Is a Diligently Done Expose on Fake Godmen That Loses Out on Its Execution.

About it a source close to the project revealed to Mid-Day, “The second part is currently in post-production, and the makers will announce the release date soon. While Baba Nirala’s wrongdoings were not completely explored in the first part, the upcoming edition will delve deeper into his psyche. He will finally be shown as a shrewd and manipulative criminal who is maintaining a façade of a godman. The latest instalment, which will open with Adhyayan Suman’s character Tinka Singh performing at a rock concert, will trace how Singh helps Baba increase his following among the masses.” Bobby Deol's 'Aashram': The Curious Case Of Missing Girls Will Be Solved By Ujagar Singh? Watch Video.

Bobby Deol starrer Aashram received a fantastic response from the audience. In fact, it became one of the most watched shows as well in the Indian streaming platform. The CCO of MX Player, Gautam Talwar shares to the tabloid, that the second part is in the post-production stage and it would be dropped online before the end of this year. Stay tuned for further updates!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 08, 2020 08:59 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website