Actor Adhyayan Suman, who recently released the single Peg Daariya, will now turn singer for Prakash Jhas web series Aashram 2. Adhyayan plays rockstar Tinka Singh in "Aashram 2". The actor says he will be seen doing a lot of concerts in the upcoming season. He has recorded his own songs for the role. Bobby Deol Birthday Special: 7 Popular Dialogues of the Actor From His Web-Series ‘Aashram’!
"While it's too soon to divulge details, my character Tinka Singh will be doing a lot of concerts and I will be singing my own songs in ‘Aashram 2'," he says. In fact, the makers want to open the second season of the series with a Tinka Singh concert. #BanAashramWebseries Trends on Twitter After Prakash Jha and Bobby Deol Get Legal Notice Over the Depiction of Hindu Saints in the Show.
Besides singing "Peg daariya", he also features in the music video. Meanwhile, the actor was recently in the news for his breakup with actress Maera Mishra.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 23, 2021 02:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website