Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have been in a relationship for last six years according to the Padmaavat actress’ own admission on a chat show. Deepika has in these six years rarely admitted her relationship with Ranveer, but the Bajirao Mastani actor never feared wearing his heart on his sleeve. However, there’s no denying that the actress always showed that the Gully Boy hero had a special in her life. In fact, very early on in their relationship many felt that RS was smitten by Deepika. Some cynics even feared that the actor will suffer a massive heartbreak. But the couple has proved all those who were not rooting for their relationship wrong with their recent marriage.
Both Ranveer and Deepika were keen on having a private wedding. And so the couple decided to have an intimate wedding at Italy’s Lake Como with just 35 guests. The family-and-friends only affair kickstarted on November 13 with and engagement followed by a sangeet ceremony. The couple then got married in Konkani ceremony of Phool Muddi on November 14 and got hitched in Sindhi way yesterday. Fans who went berserk waiting for DeepVeer wedding pics were finally treated to two pictures from both ceremonies last evening. Can't miss: Ranveer Singh's ex-girlfriend Anushka Sharma welcomes Deepika Padukone to the married club
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Now we have seen Ranveer indulge in quite a few romantic gestures in the past. From walking behind his ladylove with a rose in his hands and making it look like he’s trying to woo her, to turning her bodyguard when crowd of fans got out of hand. And in Ranveer – Deepika’s wedding pics too we found a similar moment. The Sindhi wedding picture made us go ‘aww!’ and Ranveer was responsible for this. While Deepika looks every bit the demure beauty, who any man would be willing to give an arm or leg for. Ranveer looking at his wife is just… like a moment from a romantic movie. Here you indulge a little more in this picture and experience what we did…
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Ranveer and Deepika are expected to leave for a short honeymoon after their Italian wedding. The couple will return to India post that are expected to host three receptions for family and industry friends in India. If buzz is to be believed then one of these functions will clash with Priyanka Chopra Nick Jonas’ wedding in Jodhpur. Also see: The Cost of Deepika Padukone’s Engagement Ring Will Burn a Hole in Your Pockets!
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While Ranveer and Deepika have unveiled two of their wedding pics, buzz was that the couple had sold their wedding photos to a magazine and therefore the security was beefed up at the venue. Sources close to Ranveer and Deepika have denied these reports though. For more on Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh wedding scroll through right here on LatestLY.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 16, 2018 12:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).