Earlier this June 2024, Thailand made history by becoming the first Southeast Asian country to legalise marriage equality, granting same-sex couples the same legal rights as heterosexual ones. Now, one of Thailand's beloved same-sex couples is celebrating their engagement. 'Newyear' Kitiwhut Sawutdimilin and 'Both' Nattapong Chinsoponsap, Thai actors and content creators, recently got engaged following the country's landmark decision to legalise gay marriage. Their engagement marks a significant personal and legal milestone for the couple, who had previously exchanged vows in September 2023, before same-sex marriage was legally recognised in Thailand. Thai Actors 'Newyear' Kitiwhut Sawutdimilin and 'Both' Nattapong Chinsoponsap Get Engaged After 11 Years of Dating!.

Sharing their joy with the world, Newyear and Both posted heartwarming images of their engagement. In one photograph, they embrace and are both wearing matching rings. The caption accompanying their pictures read, "B: Will you marry me? Ny: i said yes from the first day we met" symbolising their enduring commitment and joy at being able to officially declare their love under the new legal framework. The lovely couple has been dating for 11 years.

Thai Actors Newyear Kitiwhut and Both Nuttapong All Set To Tie  The Knot

Newyear and Both have been together since 2012, having met through Instagram. Their journey as a couple includes starring roles as an on-screen gay couple in the popular Thai drama Top Secret Together, as well as thriving careers as content creators and YouTubers. Their engagement video shared on TikTok, captured the emotional moment when Both, dressed in a tan suit, surprised Newyear with a heartfelt proposal. Overwhelmed with happiness and surprise, Newyear's reaction was a mix of joy and tears as Both presented him with a bouquet and Tiffany's engagement ring, solidifying their bond with legal recognition. This declaration not only celebrates their love but also highlights the significance of Thailand's recent legal reforms in recognising and affirming LGBTQ+ relationships.

Newyear Kitiwhut's Post On X

Can This Be Any More Romantic?

Same-Sex Marriage Passed: A Milestone in Thailand's Legal History

The lower house of Thailand's parliament, known as the House of Representatives, decisively approved the same-sex marriage bill on March 27, 2024. Later, on June 18, during an unscheduled session, the Senate, Thailand's upper house, similarly passed the legislation, marking a significant step forward in legalising same-sex marriage in the country.

As Thailand continues to embrace marriage equality, Newyear and Both's engagement serves as a powerful testament to love, commitment, and the newfound legal protections now available to same-sex couples across the nation. Congratulations to the couple.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 27, 2024 08:15 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).