Star Yash’s wife Radhika Pandit penned a romantic note for the actor, who celebrated a low-key birthday in Goa with family. Radhika took to her Instagram, where she shared a string of pictures on her Instagram. In the first few images, Yash, who turned 39 on January 8, is seen lovingly hugging his wife from the back while she takes a selfie. The last was a family photograph, where the couple posed with their children at the beach. Yash Birthday: Did You Know the ‘Toxic’ Actor Was Given Two Names Before Settling on His Stage Name?.

For the caption, she wrote: “To the best husband and dad - You are the unwavering ‘Rock’ for our children, the King who rules my heart, and the Star who always lights up our world. We love you.. Happy Birthday.”

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As he turned 39 on January 8, Yash treated his fans with a fantastic surprise in the form of a ‘Birthday Peek’ video from his much-talked about film Toxic - A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups.

Taking to Instagram, Yash dropped the video, which is bold and unconventional.

In the 25 second peek, Yash goes all retro dressed in a crisp white suit, fedora and holding a cigar, making a star-like entrance in a club, which has an ambience pulsating with extravagance. Yash commands attention, every gaze in the room is drawn to him. The teaser is brimming with bold moments and one cannot take their eyes of Yash.

The poster shared in the stories section of the actor had “Unleashed" written along with the link to the peek.

Jointly produced by Venkat K. Narayana and Yash under KVN Productions and Monster Mind Creations, Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups has been directed by Geetu Mohandas. Yash Birthday: Stylish Clicks of the 'Toxic' Actor that You Must Check Out.

On December 30, Yash, who is known for the KGF franchise, urged his fans to prioritise their safety and mindfulness during his birthday celebrations. He shared a note in Kannada language and English in which he urged his fans to refrain from extravagant celebrations.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 09, 2025 02:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website