Roudram Ranam Rudhiram or RRR, the upcoming magnum opus helmed by SS Rajamouli, is one of the most-anticipated movies. Starring Ram Charan and Jr NTR in the lead, fans were thrilled when the makers had shared the former’s first look. But Jr NTR’s look is yet to be revealed. Many even expected that Jr NTR’s first look from RRR will be released on the occasion of his birthday, but that couldn’t happen as the team couldn’t finish the work owing to ongoing crisis. In fact, they released a statement on the same that read, “We don't want to release something just for the sake of it and we promise that the wait will absolutely be worth it! Whenever it comes to you, be sure it will be the biggest festival for all of us!” RRR: Ajay Devgn to Play Ram Charan – Jr NTR’s Guru in SS Rajamouli’s Period Drama?
In an interview with TV9, SS Rajamouli has dropped hints about when the production works will resume and by when Jr NTR’s first look will be released. The director and his family had tested positive for COVID-19 and post two weeks of quarantine, as suggested by the doctors, they all tested negative. The ace filmmaker, during the interview, stated that he’s waiting for the doctor to give a go-ahead so that he can resume back to work and get things back on track. He was quoted as saying, “We will be recommencing the production works of RRR 2-3 weeks from the time the doctors give a go-ahead,” reports Zoom. Jr NTR Posts a Heartfelt Note to Fans After RRR Team Confirms His First Look From the Film Won't Release on His Birthday.
When SS Rajamouli was asked about Jr NTR’s first look, he further mentioned, “We have released Ram Charan’s first look already but Tarak’s look has been delayed. I need to film a bunch of visuals with him for 10-15 days and bring out his teaser look.” Well, we are sure movie buffs cannot wait to see Jr NTR’s look as Komaram Bheem. RRR also features Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris, Ajay Devgn, Alison Doody, Ray Stevenson, among others in key roles. This upcoming Telugu period drama will also be dubbed and released in four other languages – Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 23, 2020 02:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website