Vishnu Vishal made his debut with the film Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu in 2009, but it was the 2018 film Ratsasan that shot him to fame. In Ratsasan he played the role of an assistant sub-inspector named Arun Kumar, who was an aspiring filmmaker but gave up on his dreams. Vishnu Vishal had shared screen space with the gorgeous Amala Paul in this Ram Kumar directed movie. This movie had opened to positive response from fans and critics, the results of which were also seen at the box office. It grossed Rs 100 crore worldwide, a commercially successful film. Amid this lockdown period, the handsome hunk has shared throwback pics featuring his co-star Amala, and he is all praises for her. Jwala Gutta Confirms Being in a Relationship with Vishnu Vishal, Says Marriage Will Happen Soon.

Vishnu Vishal has shared two throwback pictures with Amala Paul, which is from the days of their shooting for Ratsasan. He shared the pictures in response to a tweet shared by Amala that read, “How bewitching it is, that moment when you realize you are your own twin flame, protector, soul mate, beloved, sacred spirit of hope, mantra of freedom, Prophet, Buddha, spirit guide, divine counterpart, hero and healer. -Rune Lazuli #roadlesstraveled #rediscover #reset.” Amala Paul-Bhavinder Singh's Marriage In Trouble? Actress' Latest Instagram Posts Hint So! (View Pics).

Amala Paul’s Tweet

Vishnu Vishal was all praises for Amala Paul when he shared the post. He wrote, “Well i realised that long bak...Here are some throwback pics of RATSASAN :) You are the best at your work.. So keep working and you wil feel 'THE FREEDOM' #Ratsasan @Amala_ams.”

Vishnu Vishal’s Tweet

On the work front, Vishnu Vishal’s next release is a bilingual multi-starrer titled as Kaadan. On the other hand, Amala Paul’s next film that is all set to hit the big screens is Adho Andha Paravai Pola.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 22, 2020 09:27 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website