Vijay Deverakonda has amassed a pan-India appeal, thanks to his ultra popular Telugu flick, Arjun Reddy. The Tollywood hottie is known for his lover-boy on screen image that never fails to strike a chord with the fans. What's more to this is that he is even venturing into Bollywood due to this popularity. But due to this craze around him, an imposter reportedly had a chance to dupe several girls on the social media platform. He posed as Vijay and asked for sexual favours from them. As soon as the star got to know about this, he filed a complaint against him and the investigation is underway. Arjun Reddy Star Vijay Deverakonda Suddenly Slips While Walking, But Gets Rescued on Time (Watch Video).

As per a report published by Tollywood dot net, the actor filed a complaint against the imposter to City Cyber Crime ACP KVM Prasad. Inspector N Mohan Rao filed a case soon after and the search for the miscreant is on.

In fact the report also suggests how Vijay confirmed the situation even before filing the case. When he came to know about the fake Facebook profile by his name, he made his assistant Govind chat with the imposter as 'Hema.' After receiving messages asking for favours, the actor instantly filed the complaint.

On the work front, Vijay will be next seen in a Dharma Productions backed film, opposite Ananya Panday. Their pictures from the shoot on Mumbai's streets recently went viral. The fans are super excited about this new on-screen pair on the Bollywood block.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 07, 2020 10:18 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website