Vijay Deverakonda is becoming a huge superstar in Telugu industry. After last year's critically acclaimed Arjun Reddy, Vijay has become the toast of the town for his bravura performance. This year, he scored another huge hit with Geeta Govindam, that also performed well international even beating Bollywood films in the process. As he is all set to make his Tamil debut with the political thriller NOTA, Vijay's latest initiative on social media has earned our respect in times when superstars remain mum over sensitive issues. NOTA Trailer: Vijay Deverakonda Makes a Smashing Debut in Tamil Cinema as Chief Minister We Haven't Seen Before- Watch Video.
In his latest tweet, Vijay Deverakonda requests his fans not to indulge in unnecessary squabbles with the fans of other stars or indulge in trolling. Reminding them that, 'We are young and can make this change - You and Me', Vijay also told them that he has made it here on his own and he doesn't bother about what others think about him, and so shouldn't they. Check out his tweet below -
As we grow in numbers, it's time we set our own rules. We are young and can make this change - You and Me.
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) October 3, 2018
His admirable tweet comes at a time when other big superstars from South are silent over how their fans are giving out threats to people who have anything negative to say about their idol. Hope Deverakonda's stance inspires them to take a stand for their own fans.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 03, 2018 01:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website