Director Vignesh Shivan, who is to wed actress Nayanthara at a popular resort in Mahabalipuram on Thursday, said on Tuesday that they had originally planned to get married at Tirupati. Talking to mediapersons ahead of his wedding, Vignesh Shivan, after making an official announcement about their wedding, said that they had to change the venue because of logistic issues. It’s Official! Vignesh Shivan and Nayanthara to Marry on June 9.
The director, who thanked mediapersons for their support and encouragement in different stages of his career as a director, producer and lyric writer, said that he was moving to the next stage in his personal life as well.
Vignesh Shivan said, "I am moving to the next stage of my personal life. On June 9, I will be getting married to the love of my life, Nayanthara. It has been planned as an intimate event with only a small circle of family and friends attending. Nayanthara And Vignesh Shivan To Tie The Knot On June 9 – Reports.
"We had originally planned the wedding at Tirupati but there were logisitic issues," he said and pointed out that they chose this option because of practical difficulties. The director disclosed that they would share photos of their wedding in the afternoon of June 9 and added that both Nayan and he would meet the media on June 11.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 07, 2022 02:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website