Contrary to the reports about Kamal Haasan's big project, Indian 2 getting shelved, the makers have in fact added some extra 'wow' elements to it. A recent report in India Today suggests that the Junglee actor, Vidyut Jammwal has been roped in for this big project though his role is being kept under wraps. Besides the actor, Aishwarya Rajesh and Priya Bhavani Shankar also have key roles in this sequel and the project is expected to start rolling by August. Indian 2 First Look: Kamal Haasan’s Senapathy Is Back With His Paralysing Two-Finger Trick!
Vidyut, who's known for his fitness and his love for martial arts is already undergoing training in Kalarippayattu and he wants to master it before he starts shooting for the movie. Priya Bhavani Shankar's role will be a crucial one. She and actor Siddharth will be seen in characters that will appear alongside Kamal's character throughout the film," a source told Times of India. 'Indian 2' Could be Kamal Haasan’s Last Film, Actor Hints At Winding Up His Film Career for Politics.
Earlier there were reports of director Shankar having a fallout with the film's producers, Lyca Productions. Since the director is known for splurging exorbitant amount on his film sets and his last directorial, 2.0, didn't yield any great box office results, producers were hesitant to give him a large amount. The project was on the verge of getting shelved but guess, it's back on track and we couldn't be happier.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 17, 2019 03:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website